“Lost in Berlusconi is a brilliant short film. It takes the Noemi affair and transforms it into a television event, an archetype, a political movement, and a fiercely satirical commentary on what we are. The plot is wonderfully mundane: the screenwriters of “Lost,” played by Fabrizio Giannini, Alessandro Averone, Stefano Fresi, and Roberto Pappalardo, professionals who participated in the project voluntarily, are gathered around a table, forced by a Dharma representative to explain the incredible events surrounding Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Letizia family.” TVBlog
press coverage
L’Espresso (IT) Lost in Berlusconi: Silvio e Noemi
L’Unità(IT) Il Noemigate? Lo spiega «Lost in Berlusconi»
TvBlog (IT) ‘Lost in Berlusconi’, il cortometraggio che sta facendo impazzire il Web
SkyTg24 (IT) Da Arcore’s night a Tolleranza Zoro, la satira passa dal web
with Michele Alberico (writer) and Kook Artgency (production)