Future Jobs

“Browsing through the pages of newspapers in search of a position as a secretary or sales agent. Witnessing frustration arise while reading absurd requirements: five years of experience and a maximum age of 25. Then coming across strange job postings like: “A.A.A. seeking a copywriter with mnemonic implant, interior designers equipped with bionic eyes, and marketing managers endowed with precognitive powers.” That’s what has really happened in these days.”   Corriere della Sera

press coverage
Corriere della Sera (IT) «A. A. A. cercasi manager preveggente» Annunci futuristi anti-disoccupazione
Servizio Civile Magazine (IT) Occupazione. A.A.A. cercasi giovani lavoratori fantascientifici
Redattore Sociale (IT) Annunci ‘virali’ per cercare professionisti del futuro
Fantascienza.com (IT) Cercasi copywriter con innesto mnemonico

Kook Artgency