“The Invisible Pink Unicorn (IPU) is the goddess of a parody religion used to satirize theistic beliefs, taking the form of a unicorn that is paradoxically both invisible and pink.” Wikipedia
“At the stroke of midnight in St. Peter’s Square, alongside thousands of pilgrims and tourists who gathered in the Vatican to celebrate Easter, a ‘pink little cloud’ made up of about a hundred dressed-up faithful greeted the appearance of the Invisible Pink Unicorn. It was visible thanks to a downloadable smartphone application that allows users to see augmented reality objects.” La Repubblica
press coverage
La Repubblica L’Invisibile Unicorno Rosa è arrivato. Creato a S. Pietro il cyber-monumento
La Repubblica L’Unicorno Rosa a San Pietro. Un gioco di realtà aumentata
Liberation (FR) L’apparition de la licorne rose
LegaNerd (IT) L’invisibile Unicorno Rosa è arrivato!
Les Lien Invisible and Kook Artgency