Partito Lotteria


“13,000€ per month plus exclusive benefits. 945 positions available.” Partito Lotteria

“Over 7,000 pre-registrations in 7 days. These are the numbers of the Lottery Party, the first political party with randomly selected candidates free not to participate in parliamentary activities. It has garnered attention from the national and international press, gaining widespread support.”   Agr

“Starting today, thanks to the Lottery Party, becoming a Member of Parliament is as easy as participating in a game show.”   Linkisesta

website (
Partito Lotteria

press coverage
Il Corriere della Sera (IT) “Partito Lotteria”
Linkiesta (IT) Partito della Lotteria, quando il candidato si estrae a sorte
AgoraVox (IT) Il partito Lotteria, è pronto alla sorte! “Vota e vinci” il motto del candidato estratto a sorte
Spot&Web KOOK Artgency lancia il Partito Lotteria
Paese Sera (IT) Elezioni, arriva il “Partito Lotteria” Candidati a estrazione, già 4mila iscritti

Kook Artgency