“Imagine if we told you that there’s a drug capable of bypassing breathalyzer tests simply by inhaling a spray? A miracle of medical science, the latest breakthrough in the pharmaceutical field, is Rednoze: ‘the first nebulizer that protects the privacy of those under the influence of alcohol” Fanpage
“The advertising campaign, actually designed to raise awareness about not drinking before getting behind the wheel, sparked controversy and outrage on the web in just a few days. The initiative brought to light a very sad fact: thousands of people, after completing a questionnaire about alcohol consumption, had already ordered the ‘control-evading’ drug.” TgCom24
press coverage
FanPage (IT) Rednoze, lo spray che elimina gli effetti dell’alcol? No, solo uno scherzo a fin di bene
TgCom24 (IT) Spray per ingannare l’etilometro, ma il “naso rosso” era soltanto una bufala
Leggo (IT) Uno spray pulisce la sbornia
SicurAuto (IT) Rednoze: svelata la bufala del farmaco anti etilometro
Spot&Web (IT) Rednoze, la campagna educativa di Kook Artgency
Quattroruote (IT) Lo spray è una bufala, l’interesse è vero
Art of Prank (US) Drink ‘N’ Go with Rednoze Action Spray
Repubblica (IT) Spray anti alcol test? Una bufala finita male
Nota Politica (IT) A Repubblica hanno bevuto
WikiNotizie (IT) Rednoze: guerrilla marketing per la sicurezza stradale
Kook Argency