“During the US/Iraq conflict, they cordoned off several streets or famous monuments in Rome with white and red ribbons and fake military messages that said “war zone”, “no trespassing”, ” refugee camp in construction – sorry for the inconvenience”, “mine clearing zone”, “biological warfare free zone”, etc. The idea received a large coverage in the national press and was quickly adopted in several cities.” WeMakeMoneyNotArt
note: Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, United States armed forces officials described their plan as employing shock and awe.
Operazione Shock and Hoax
press coverage
La Stampa (IT) E di notte spuntano i situazionisti che recintano la città
La Stampa (IT) Pacifisti. La beffa notturna per le vie di Roma (jpg) // (txt)
EduEDA (IT) Shock and Hoax