Stop rising drugs prices!


“COCAINE 80 euros per gram, +12%; MARIJUANA 12 euros, +20%; MDMA, 40 euros, +25%; HEROIN, 30 euros, +16%. Narcotic substances serve as a tool for tuning and synchronizing the lifetimes of precarious and intermittent work with the demands of contemporary production. The increase in the price of such substances is an indiscriminate attack on the harsh life of the working class.”

“No to the increase in the cost of living. But in this case, it should be said more precisely: no to the increase in goods that jeopardize life. This is the disturbingly provocative message displayed on dozens of posters that appeared on Thursday in the Pigneto district, southeast periphery of Rome.”   Il Corriere della Sera

“Say no to drug price increases, we won’t pay for the crisis.” Is it a joke or a truly unique protest against the price hikes imposed by drug dealers? The Carabinieri are currently investigating the matter.”   La Repubblica

“The mere fact that such a poster is considered plausible (perhaps condemnable, but still credible) speaks volumes about the relationship that has developed over the years with drugs. It’s a kind of mental tick that prevents a balanced discussion on the use and abuse of substances.” Militant Blog

press coverage
Il Corriere della Sera (IT) Manifesti contro gli aumenti: della droga. Affissioni choc a Roma: «Eroina più 16%»
La Repubblica (IT) “Droghe, basta aumenti del prezzo” manifesti shock al Pigneto
Roma Today (IT) Manifesti choc al Pigneto: “Basta con gli aumenti del prezzo della droga
Fanpage (IT) “Basta con gli aumenti del prezzo delle droghe”, a Roma i manifesti shock

