Vote Cardinal Turkson


“Spoof  “vote for Turkson” posters have popped up in Rome along walls still plastered with campaign posters from Italy’s general election on Sunday and Monday. Campaigning for the papacy is officially forbidden and even suggesting one is a candidate is usually enough to end any cardinal’s chances of ascending to the throne of Saint Peter.”   Reuters

“Call for the democratization of the Church or biting satire – with election posters in the style of Italian political campaigns, an artist group in Rome has drawn attention to the papal election.”   Spiegel

“The posters are basically a spoof on the Italian national elections, which happened to coincide with Benedict’s resignation, but there’s at least one person taking them seriously: Turkson himself, who’s quietly put out word that he has absolutely nothing to do with them.”   National Catholic Reporter

press coverage
Nbc News (US) Posters backing Ghana’s Cardinal Turkson for pope appear in Rome
Reuters (UK) Spoof campaign poster for Cardinal Turkson appears in pre-conclave Rome
Spiegel (DE) Künstlergruppe mischt Papst-Wahl auf
El Universal (MX) Hacen campaña en favor de cardenal africano
Il Sole 24 Ore (IT) Papa nero: Roma tappezzata di poster
Stuff (NZ) Rome, a taste of anarchy
