Where Next?


“Are you sick of betting only on Nasdaq, on the oil price, or on football games? How about betting on where the next terrorist attack is gonna take place? From now on, you’ll be able to do so! Just like capitalism bets on your own life.” A website to bet on where, and in what manner, the next terror attack will occur.”   Where Next

“The creators of an Italian website have decided to make a game out of international terror. The site allows players to bet on where, and in what manner, the next terror attack will occur. The more accurate the guess, the higher the chances are of winning. The gambler who chooses the location closest to the next attack and guesses the right method of attack wins a T-shirt, and the game is restarted.”   Jerusalem Post

“The game combines two extreme aspects of the contemporary reality: the global legitimation of bets as a tecnique to guess and change our personal future, and the uncertainty caused by terrorist attacks, unbearably amplified by mass media.”

“Its ostentatious malevolence, which spares no details—from the banner featuring the Twin Towers to the T-shirt depicting the London subway after the attack—is, in reality, the only possible response to a media manipulation that fuels widespread anxiety, inducing in us a tragic desensitization and robbing us of any capacity for reaction.”

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press coverage
Jerusalem Post (IL) Website makes a game out of terror
The Register (US) Predict next terror attack, win t-shirt
Il Giornale (IT) Prossimo attentato? Si può scommettere su un sito internet
La Repubblica (IT) “Dove sarà il prossimo attentato?” Un sito web gioca con il terrore
Duma (BG) Басират се къде е следващият терористичен акт
Exibart Dove sarà il prossimo?

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