X Candidate

“In Rome, electoral posters have appeared (in the photo) for a ‘phantom’ candidate. Candidate X (as they sign) directs to a website where they propose a quiz: five questions, answering which correctly would reveal the face of X.”  Il Giornale

“A small practice of disarticulation within the usual electoral propaganda, aimed at conveying the perception of an alternative message. The goal of candidate X, in fact, is not to prioritize faces, but programs.” PolisBlog

press coverage
Corriere della Sera (IT) Vota Mister X o Paolo Uccello: i manifesti più strani
Il Giornale (IT) Ora spunta Mister X Scatta la caccia sul web
PolisBlog (IT) Elezioni Europee 2014 | Tsipras è il candidato X: Ecco il mktg elettorale de L’Altra Europa

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